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The Capillary Tonic Strong Barber 30ml , helps in strengthening and prevents hair loss related to baldness.

Vitor Cosmeticos Strong Barber Hair Tonic stimulates the scalp area, specifically the weakened hair follicles, prolonging the growth phase of the Beard and Hair.

Strong Barber Hair Tonic 30ml is for the man who dreams of having the perfect beard or just having it! This Product acts by strengthening the hair root, making them stronger and voluminous and stimulates their growth in areas where they do not exist.

In this way, it fills gaps and gives life to existing threads.

For this product to take effect, treatment from 3 months to 12 months is recommended, the treatment depends on the volume of your beard currently.

100% ORIGINAL product

How to Use: Apply one mL 2 to 3 times a day of Strong Barber Growth Tonic directly on the scalp or beard, only in the hair loss area.

Continued use is necessary to maintain and increase your hair growth.

ANVISA Notified Product

Unrivaled quality straight from the factory.

Strong Barber Beard Growth Tonic

R$89.99 Regular Price
R$35.00Sale Price
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    Rua dos Eucaliptos 479 Vila Alto Santo andré - São Paulo - Brazil


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